- 405-849-9890
- reserlaw@gmail.com
- M - F 800am - 5:00pm
We believe everyone deserves the best possible legal representation.
If you are facing criminal charges, trying to navigate custody, visitation, or need a divorce attorney — Reser Law specializes in helping our clients successfully deal with your legal issues.
OKC Criminal Defense Attorney/OKC Criminal Defense Lawyer, Civil Attorney & Family Attorney Chris Reser is looking forward to helping you with your case. Chris Reser has many years of experience in Criminal Law Cases, Civil Law Cases & Family Law Cases.
Regardless if it’s a Civil Law Matter, Criminal Law Matter, or Family Law matter, my Oklahoma City Law Firm is looking forward to helping you overcome the many different legal obstacles that people face. My Oklahoma City Law Firm has seen a variety of different cases and understands the complexities that can be within each one of them.
To guide our clients through the judicial process in a confident and informative manner, working to achieve the best possible outcome.
Legal matters that deal with family law matters, child custody, child support, and domestic relations.
An area of the law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet adults.